Frequently Asked Questions

Check-in times can vary by hotel, but most hotels typically allow check-in in the early afternoon, such as 2:00 PM. Check-out times are usually in the morning, around 11:00 AM.

You can book a room through the hotel’s website, a third-party booking site, or by calling the hotel directly.

Hotels offer a range of amenities, including swimming pools, fitness centers, restaurants, spas, room service, and free Wi-Fi. The amenities offered may vary depending on the hotel’s location, rating, and price.

Most hotels allow you to cancel your reservation, but the cancellation policy can vary. Some hotels may require you to cancel a certain number of days before your stay to receive a full refund, while others may have a non-refundable policy.

Some hotels offer complimentary breakfast with your stay, while others charge an additional fee for breakfast. The type of breakfast offered may also vary, ranging from continental breakfast to a full buffet.

Many hotels offer shuttle services to and from the airport, but this can vary depending on the hotel’s location and policies.

You can typically pay for your stay with a credit card or cash. Some hotels may require a deposit upon check-in.

Not all hotels are pet-friendly, so it’s important to check with the hotel before booking your stay. Some hotels may allow pets for an additional fee.

You can usually make requests for additional amenities by calling the front desk or by using the hotel’s mobile app.

Many hotels offer luggage storage for guests, but this can vary depending on the hotel’s policies. It’s best to check with the hotel before your stay to see if this service is available.

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JAGANNATH TEMPLE LIONS GATE ROAD, Dolamandap Sahi, opposite KALI MANDIR, Puri, Odisha 752001, India


[email protected]

